Fig. 2. (A) The many clusters of atypical epithelioid cells are intermingled with atypical spindle cells (original magnification ×100, H&E). (B) There is an obvious nuclear atypism at both epithelioid (lower) and spindle (upper) components (original magnification ×400, H&E). (C, D) The immunohistochemical stains of pancytokeratin, e-cadherin highlight epithelioid components (original magnification ×100, pancytokeratin, e-cadherin). (E) The tumor diffusely shows reactivity to CD99 antigen (original magnification ×100, CD99). (F) Both epithelioid tumor cells and spindle tumocells cells exhibit reactivity at vimentin immunohistochemical stain (original magnification ×100, vimentin).
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