Oral Biology Research

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Fig. 5. (A-D) Intentional replantation sequence. (A, B) Periapical granulation tissue continuously attached the root apex of the extracted tooth (blue circle) and bacterial biofilm associated with the root perforation (red circle). (C, D) Filled calcium-silicate material in the retrograde cavity and perforated root cavity. (E-H) Sequential periapical radiographs. (E) Immediately after the completion of the non-surgical root canal treatment, (F) 1-week post-operative, (G) 3-month follow up, (H) 6-month recall check. At the 6-month follow-up, there were no signs of sinus tract and sensitivity for percussion and palpation tests.
Oral Biol Res 2024;48:100~108 https://doi.org/10.21851/obr.48.03.202409.100
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