Oral Biology Research

Table. 6.

Regression analysis for the changes of anterior joint space

Variable B t p-value
Constant 0.155 2.607 0.011*
△U1 to FH 0.007 0.714 0.477
△L1 to MP 0.006 0.742 0.460
△Overjet 0.010 0.456 0.649
△Overbite 0.068 2.930 0.004
△Anterior guiding angle 0.001 0.134 0.894

FH plane, Frankfurt horizontal plane; MP, mandibular plane (Go-Me to FH plane).

R=0.368, R2=0.136 (p=0.022).

*p<0.05, p<0.01.

Oral Biol Res 2023;47:140~150 https://doi.org/10.21851/obr.47.04.202312.140
© Oral Biol Res