Oral Biology Research

Table. 1.

Criteria for Staging and Grading according to the description of the 2018 classification

Stage Criteria

CAL (mm) Bone loss (%) Tootd loss (n) Max. PPD (mm) Furcation involvement

Stage I 1–2 <15 No ≤4 No
Stage II 3–4 15–33 No 4–5 Class II, III
Stage III ≥5 ≥33 ≤4 ≥6 Class II, III
Stage IV ≥5 ≥33 ≥5 ≥6 Class II, III

Grade Bone loss/age (%/y) Smoking statue Diabetes

Grade A <0.25 Non-smoker Normoglycemic
Grade B 0.25–1.0 <10 cigarettes/d HbA1c <7%
Grade C >1.0 ≥10 cigarettes/d HbA1c ≥7%

CAL, clinical attachment level; PPD, probing pocket depth.

Oral Biol Res 2023;47:15~21 https://doi.org/10.21851/obr.47.01.202303.15
© Oral Biol Res